Summary of "Financial Freedom" by Grant Sabatier


Achieving Financial Freedom: A Comprehensive Guide from Financial Freedom by Grant Sabatier


In Financial Freedom, Grant Sabatier outlines a practical and actionable seven-step approach to achieving financial independence. This guide provides a roadmap for those looking to escape the constraints of traditional employment and reach financial freedom more quickly. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the book’s key concepts and strategies.

1. From $2 to $1 Million in 5 Years

Grant Sabatier narrates his personal journey of growing his net worth from $2 to $1 million in just five years using a systematic approach. He attributes his success to following seven essential steps:

  1. Find Your Number: Determine how much money you need to achieve financial independence. This “number” represents the amount required to cover your expenses and sustain your desired lifestyle without relying on active income.

  2. Assess Your Current Situation: Calculate your net worth by subtracting your liabilities from your assets. This provides a clear picture of where you stand financially and helps in setting realistic goals.

  3. Shift Your Mindset: Continuously update and refine your understanding of money. Cultivate a mindset that supports growth, savings, and investment rather than just spending.

  4. Maximize Savings and Investments: Create a budget that prioritizes saving and investing over spending. The goal is to allocate as much money as possible to investments that will grow your wealth.

  5. Plan to Escape the 9-5: Develop a strategy to transition out of traditional employment. This might involve building side businesses or alternative income streams that allow you to leave your full-time job.

  6. Start a Side Business: Diversify your income by starting a side business. Many people fail to take advantage of their spare time, opting instead to work for someone else or waste time.

  7. Invest Early and Often: Begin investing as soon as possible and continue to do so regularly. Investments grow over time, allowing your money to work for you without needing to trade your time for income.

2. Time is More Valuable Than Money

Sabatier emphasizes that while money can be earned, time is a finite resource. He advocates for early retirement as a way to maximize the value of your time. This chapter argues that saving and investing wisely can enable you to retire sooner and enjoy life while still young.

Modern Retirement Planning: Traditional retirement planning often involves saving until age 60-65, which may not be feasible or appealing for everyone. Instead, Sabatier suggests adopting modern strategies that leverage new opportunities in the digital age.

Steps for Early Retirement:

  1. Start a side business alongside your full-time job to increase income.
  2. Invest early and in various assets like real estate and stocks to build wealth quickly.

3. What is Your Number?

Determining your financial freedom number is crucial. It’s often less than you might think. With the right planning and execution, you can achieve financial independence more quickly than anticipated.

Parameters to Determine Your Number:

  1. Living Expenses: Calculate the money needed for essential living expenses.
  2. Comfortable Lifestyle: Estimate the amount required for a comfortable lifestyle beyond basic needs.
  3. Retirement Income: Decide how much monthly income you want during retirement without working.

4. Where Are You?

Understanding your current financial status is the first step towards improvement.

Steps to Assess Your Financial Situation:

  1. Income: Track both your active (earned) and passive (investment) income.
  2. Net Worth: Determine it by subtracting your liabilities from your assets.
  3. Financial Habits: Evaluate your attitudes and habits regarding money, including earning, saving, and investing.
  4. Professional Status: Determine your current job or business situation and future career goals.
  5. Savings and Investments: Assess how much you save and invest and what you need to reach financial freedom.

5. Next-Level Money

Creating wealth quickly involves focusing on three core principles: income, spending, and savings.

Strategies for Wealth Creation:

  1. Calculate Hourly Earnings: Understand how much you earn per hour and adjust your work and earnings goals accordingly.
  2. Optimize Your Job: Maximize your salary and benefits by enhancing your skills and negotiating for better compensation.
  3. Start a Side Business: Build additional income streams outside of your primary job.
  4. Turn Side Business into Passive Income: Develop your side business to eventually run without your direct involvement.
  5. Invest: Invest as early and as much as possible in various sectors to build wealth and generate passive income.

6. Is It Worth It? 11 Questions to Ask Before Buying

Before making any purchase, consider these questions to ensure it aligns with your financial goals:

  1. How happy will this purchase make me?
  2. Can I afford it?
  3. How many hours of work will it cost me?
  4. Can I find it for less money?
  5. How does the price compare to similar products?
  6. Can I get it at a lower cost?
  7. What will be the additional costs of maintaining it?
  8. What are the annual costs associated with it?
  9. What is the total cost of the item?
  10. How beneficial will this purchase be in the future?
  11. How much time will it save me in the long run?

7. The Only Budget You Need

Instead of focusing solely on small daily expenses, Sabatier advises saving on significant costs such as housing and transportation.

Tips for Saving on Major Expenses:

  1. Housing: Consider sharing living space or renting out part of your apartment to reduce costs.
  2. Transportation: Use public transportation or carpool to cut down on travel expenses.

8. Optimize Your 9 to 5 Job

Make your full-time job work for you by maximizing salary and benefits.

Strategies for Job Optimization:

  1. Negotiate Benefits: Discuss with your employer to secure better job benefits.
  2. Improve Skills: Continuously develop your skills to enhance your earning potential.
  3. Build Networks: Strengthen your professional network to aid in career advancement.

9. How to Make More Money

A side hustle can be an effective way to increase your income.

Steps to Start a Profitable Side Business:

  1. Identify your passion and develop it into a side business.
  2. Convert your side business into a money-making platform by offering valuable services or products.
  3. Focus on skill improvement, competitive pricing, and building a strong reputation in the market.

10. 7-Step Fast-Track Investment Strategy

Sabatier presents seven strategies for accelerating wealth creation:

  1. Separate Goals: Differentiate between short-term and long-term investment goals.
  2. Investment Amount: Plan how much you will save and invest regularly.
  3. Asset Allocation: Decide how to allocate investments across various sectors.
  4. Reduce Fees: Seek out investments that have lower fees.
  5. Choose Safe Investments: Prioritize investments that secure your money and align with your target return.
  6. Tax Advantages: Utilize tax-free accounts to minimize future taxes.
  7. Taxable Accounts: After maximizing tax-advantaged accounts, invest through taxable accounts.

11. Turning $10,000 into Millions with Real Estate

Real estate is a stable and profitable investment option.

Ways to Invest in Real Estate:

  1. Buy and sell properties for profit.
  2. Upgrade Properties: Improve properties and then sell them for a higher price.
  3. Purchase properties to hold long-term and sell them later for a profit.

Tips for Real Estate Investment:

  1. Set investment criteria and budget.
  2. Find properties with high rental income potential.
  3. Work with a reliable realtor.
  4. Act quickly on profitable opportunities.

12. Stay Away from Your Investments

Develop a strategy for withdrawing from investments without depleting your wealth.

Post-Retirement Tips:

  1. Build a passive investment strategy.
  2. Focus on maximizing tax savings.
  3. Withdraw funds strategically from tax-advantaged accounts.


Financial Freedom by Grant Sabatier offers a comprehensive guide to achieving financial independence. By implementing these strategies, you can work towards a secure and prosperous financial future, enjoying the freedom to live life on your own terms.

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