Suze Orman: The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke Book Summary



Chapter 1: Understanding Your Credit Score

The first chapter introduces the concept of a credit score, explaining its significance, how it is determined, and ways to improve it. Suze Orman emphasizes the importance of understanding how a credit score is calculated, as this knowledge is key to effectively managing and improving it. She also warns against using services like, advising instead to obtain credit scores directly from the three major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.

Key Takeaway: Avoid canceling your oldest credit cards when paying off debt, as they contribute positively to the length of your credit history, which is a crucial factor in your credit score.

Chapter 2: Navigating Career Choices

This chapter advises young professionals to seek career satisfaction by changing jobs if necessary, especially before taking on significant life responsibilities like marriage, homeownership, or having children. Suze Orman suggests that it is better to make career moves early on, while it’s easier to adapt to changes. However, she also discusses the potential downside of using credit cards to cover necessities while working in a low-paying job with future potential, urging caution with such financial strategies.

Key Takeaway: Returning to school to avoid job dissatisfaction might not be the best choice, as it delays career progress, increases debt, and might not solve the underlying issue of finding fulfilling work.

Chapter 3: Responsible Credit Card Use

In this chapter, Suze Orman discusses the responsible use of credit cards, acknowledging that while they can be useful financial tools, they must be used wisely to avoid falling into debt. The chapter advises against unnecessary spending, particularly in a society that encourages living beyond one’s means. Suze emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between wants and needs, encouraging readers to focus on essentials rather than indulging in non-necessities like frequent dining out.

Key Takeaway: When paying off multiple credit card debts, prioritize the one with the highest interest rate to minimize finance charges over time.

Chapter 4: Managing Student Loans

Suze Orman describes student loans as a valuable investment, given the potential for higher earnings with a college degree. She highlights the benefits of student loans, including low-interest rates and tax-deductible interest, making them a worthwhile option for those pursuing higher education. The chapter also touches on loan consolidation, advising that it is only beneficial when interest rates are favorable and can be locked in.

Key Takeaway: If your employer offers a 401(k) match, prioritize contributing to that before paying off student loans, as the long-term benefits of the match can significantly enhance your retirement savings.

Chapter 5: The Importance of Saving

This chapter focuses on the importance of saving money, particularly for building an emergency fund and preparing for major purchases like a car. Suze Orman encourages readers to adopt a frugal lifestyle to free up funds for savings, warning against the temptation to spend newly saved money on non-essential items. The chapter also advises automatic deposits into a savings account to ensure consistent growth of an emergency fund.

Key Takeaway: Compare interest rates when deciding between saving money and paying off debt. Generally, if your credit card interest rate is higher than your savings account return, it’s better to pay off the credit card first.

Chapter 6: Planning for Retirement

This chapter stresses the importance of starting retirement savings early, especially for younger generations who may not benefit from the same retirement safety nets as previous generations. Suze Orman highlights the advantages of employer-matched retirement plans like 401(k)s or 403(b)s, as well as Roth IRAs. The message is clear: the sooner you start saving for retirement, the more you will benefit from compound interest over time.

Key Takeaway: Avoid borrowing from your 401(k) to pay off high-interest debt, as it could result in significant tax penalties and negate the benefits of the pre-tax contributions you’ve made.

Chapter 7: Simplifying Investments

In this chapter, Suze Orman provides a straightforward approach to investing, particularly in stocks. She recommends starting with stock-based mutual funds, especially index funds that cover the entire market, as these offer broad exposure and are suitable for young investors. The chapter underscores the importance of maintaining a long-term perspective when investing, rather than reacting to short-term market fluctuations.

Key Takeaway: Regular investing, even during market downturns, can be beneficial in the long run, as it allows you to buy low and benefit from market recovery over time.

Chapter 8: Making Wise Car Purchases

This chapter offers practical advice on purchasing a car, discouraging the pursuit of luxury vehicles right out of college. Suze Orman advises against leasing, recommending instead that buyers look for late-model used cars that are reliable but not overly expensive. Paying in cash or minimizing loans is also encouraged to avoid unnecessary financial strain.

Key Takeaway: Leasing a car, even with potential tax breaks, is generally not a good financial decision, as it often results in higher long-term costs without ownership benefits.

Chapter 9: Understanding Home Buying

In this chapter, Suze Orman walks readers through the process of buying a home, emphasizing the importance of making informed decisions. She explains that while a home can be a valuable asset that appreciates over time, it should not be viewed solely as an investment. The chapter provides a detailed overview of the home-buying process, offering guidance for first-time buyers.

Key Takeaway: Avoid interest-only loans for home purchases, as they can lead to financial difficulties in the long run. It’s better to wait until you can afford a traditional mortgage that you can pay off over time.

Chapter 10: Aligning Love and Money

The final chapter addresses the importance of financial compatibility in relationships. Suze Orman advises couples to ensure they are on the same page financially to avoid conflicts. The chapter provides guidance on how to handle finances in a relationship, particularly as it becomes more serious.

Key Takeaway: Be cautious about entering a long-term relationship with someone whose financial habits you find troubling, as these issues can lead to broader conflicts in the future.

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